Development on Windows


Revision as of 14:58, 30 June 2014 by Matlo (talk | contribs)

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This wiki explains how to install a compilation environment (based on Msys2/mingw64) to build GIMX.
It also explains how to install Eclipse CDT and perform a checkout.
Unless otherwise specified, perform a default installation (default directories, etc).


Download and install Msys2.
Make sure to follow the instructions from the Msys2 wiki.

If you are running a 32-bit Windows, install the i686 of Msys2.
If you are running a 64-bit Windows, you can choose either the x86_64 version or the i686 version.
The binaries produced by the x86_64 version can only run on a 64-bit Windows, whereas the binaries produced by the i686 version can run on a 32-bit or a 64-bit Windows.

Development tools

Run mingwXY_shell.bat (XY=32 or 64) and type:

pacman --noconfirm -S wget

Automated command-line build

Run mingwXY_shell.bat (XY=32 or 64) and type:


All binaries are copied into <path to msys>\home\<username>\GIMX\setup, e.g. C:\msys32\home\matlo\GIMX\setup.

Eclipse IDE

This part is only useful in case you intend to modify the source code. If you only want to build GIMX, you can skip it.
Eclipse is an IDE that can be stacked onto the MinGW/MSYS compilation toolchain.
Be sure to have a java JRE installed on your system.
Download Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers. Unzip it to wherever you want.
Run eclipse.exe.

Project checkout

Todo: add instructions.