Development on Windows
This wiki explains how to install a compilation environment (based on Msys2/mingw64) to build GIMX.
It also explains how to install Eclipse CDT and perform a checkout.
Unless otherwise specified, perform a default installation (default directories, etc).
Download and install Msys2.
Make sure to follow the instructions from the Msys2 wiki.
If you are running a 32-bit Windows, install the i686 version.
If you are running a 64-bit Windows, install the x84_64 version.
Checkout installation and build tools
Run "MSYS2 MSYS" from Start menu, and type:
pacman --noconfirm -S git git clone
Development tools
Run "MSYS MinGW 64-bit" from Start menu, and type:
cd GIMX-build/windows ./
On 32-bit Windows run Run "MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit" from Start menu instead.
Inno setup
Download and install Inno setup.
Automated command-line build
Run "MSYS2 MinGW 64-bit" from Start menu, and type:
cd GIMX-build/windows ./
All binaries are copied into <path to msys>\home\<username>\GIMX\setup, e.g. C:\msys32\home\matlo\GIMX\setup.
A setup file is also created.
On 32-bit Windows run Run "MSYS2 MinGW 32-bit" from Start menu instead.
Eclipse IDE
This part is only useful in case you intend to modify the source code. If you only want to build GIMX, you can skip it.
Eclipse is an IDE that can be stacked onto the Msys2/MinGW64 compilation toolchain.
Be sure to have a java JRE installed on your system.
Download Eclipse CDT 2018-12. Unzip it to wherever you want.
Run eclipse.exe.
Use default workspace folder.
Cloning project
Copy the following URL:
Click on "Window > Show View > Other...", select "Git repositories", and click on "Open".
Type Ctrl+V. A "Clone Git Repository" window should appear.
First step defines the repository to import. Click on "Next".
Second step defines the branch selection. Select the branches you are interested in. "master" branch contains latest stable source code. Click on "Next".
Third step defines local destination. A standard value for "Directory" is "C:\Users\<username>\git\GIMX". Make sure to select "Clone submodules". Click on "Finish".
Importing project
In the "Git Repositories" view, right click on the cloned git repository, and click on "Import Projects...". Select the project folder (for example "GIMX") and click on "Finish".
Building project
In the "Project Explorer" view, right-click on the project, and click on "Build Project".
If the build fails at finding make or gcc :
- in the "Project Explorer" view, right-click on the project, and click on "Properties"
- unfold "C/C++ Build", and click on "Environment"
- make sure msys2 and mingw64 bin folders are present in the PATH variable
- for example, if you used default installation folder for msys2 (C:\msys64), you should have this at the end of the PATH variable: C:\msys64\usr\bin;C:\msys64\mingw64\bin
- it is not a good idea to change PATH at the system level, as this could lead to other apps malfunctioning
Debug build
- in the "Project Explorer" view, right-click on the project, and click on "Properties"
- in "C/C++ Build", uncheck "Use default build command"
- enter "make -j 4 DEBUG=1 VERBOSE=1" without quotes as "Build command" (replace 4 with your number of CPU cores)
- in the "Project Explorer" view, right-click on the project, and click on "Clean project"
- in the "Project Explorer" view, right-click on the project, and click on "Build project"
The build system does not detect changes in headers. Clean and rebuild project after modifying a header.