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Using GIMX with an N360 mod

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2020 3:20 pm
by networkfusion

I am creating an automated test rig for an N64 and have everything working (including power control and video capture) except for the ability to control input from a PC.

I have an N360 mod ( in my N64, this allows a Nintendo 64 to be controlled using a wireless Xbox 360 adapter, so I thought that GIMX would be the perfect solution. I have managed to get as far as installing everything, but then I need a wired xbox 360 controller (rather than the wireless adapter) for authentication. However, technically this shouldnt be needed for this setup as the N360 mod doesn't care.

Looking at the source, am I right in saying that the only thing that needs to be done is comment out `.auth_required = 1,` in `x360.c`?
If so, are there any decent instructions for rebuilding the launcher on windows (all I can find is the travis.yml for automated build of linux version).
And I guess, is there a possibility that there would be an option to disable authentication in future versions?

Also, is the protocol that sends commands to the comm port of the GIMX adapter documented, so I can use a script to send commands, rather than through the GUI?

Many thanks.

Update: I found ... on_Windows. I am building a decent CICD here ... elines.yml I currently have linux building, and still working on windows. Any pointers helpful.

Update2: used a fresh Windows (Azure) 10 VM to follow the instructions, and that even fails with "GPERF_LOG(ev_sync_process);" on multiple lines... I really dont want to pull every repo and adjust :-(

Re: Using GIMX with an N360 mod

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2021 7:53 pm
by Matlo
I just fixed the compilation issue. Please let me know if you still have any issue.

Re: Using GIMX with an N360 mod

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 2:33 pm
by networkfusion

I can now compile sucessfully on/for windows. The edit doesnt seem to be as simple as I thought though, so back to the drawing board.