Want to use Logi G29 as wheel on PS2 (Gran Turismo 3/4)

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Want to use Logi G29 as wheel on PS2 (Gran Turismo 3/4)

Post by BeardedRetroGuy »

EDIT: See end of post first. I found info that pertains to this post already and I should go through THAT first before wasting everyone's time.

Ok, so long story short, I have a Logitech G29 wheel, pedals, and h-pattern shifter. Works great on PS3 as a Driving Force GT. 100% functional on PC with Logitech G Hub software. No issues there.

I want to use this wheel for Gran Turismo 3 and 4 on the PS2. It would be NICE if I could set it up as a G27 so I can get shifter and clutch working on my PS3 AND use it on my PS2 as a Driving Force Pro, but I've already read forums where the G27 firmware just doesn't work right. Might just set it up as a DF Pro and only use the module for PS2 once I can get it working.

bluetooth connection method: n/a
GIMX adapter: Made myself
- ATmega32U4 Pro Micro Controller Board for Arduino Pro Micro 5V Replace ATmega328
- CJMCU CP2102 USB To TTL/Serial Module Programmer UART STC Downloader Arduino USA
I can do pictures if necessary to show connections.

add the firmware (EMUDFP.hex)

the gaming target: PS2
the game: Gran Turismo 3/4
the controller: Logitech G29 + shifter

Right now, if I connect the CP2102 side to my computer, I get a stable "Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COM5)" entry under "Ports (COM & LPT)" in Device Manager. There's a red light on the unit that shines while plugged in.

If I connect the other side, the ATmega32U4 into another USB port, I also get a red light on that board and "Arduino USB Bootloader (COM6) for about 6-7 seconds, then it goes away and I hear the Windows "USB port unplugged" chime. After that, nothing. In fact, during that very short window is the ONLY time I can get the GimX loader software to "Update Firmware". When it prompts to unplug and replug the adapter, I have to do it on both sides for it to catch and load a firmware successfully.

So I have SEVERAL questions because I'm wanting to actually understand what I'm doing and why, not just follow steps and cross my fingers it works.

1. When I'm loading a firmware, I assume it's to the longer ATmega32U4 board, since it's the one that has to be in "bootloader" mode to get any kind of success message from the software. Question is: Am I loading the firmware for the device I am trying to EMULATE? In this case, I would probably need to either try the G27 or the Driving Force Pro for PS2 compatibility.

2. Inside the GimX Launcher software, there's an entry saying Config and it has a lot of stuff like LogitechDrivingForcePro_G29.xml, LogitechDrivingForceGT_G29.xml, etc. May I ASSUME that these are used to emulate from left to right? Meaning that the one that says LogitechDrivingForcePro_G29.xml means I'm supposed to have a Driving Force Pro hooked up and I'm trying to use it on a PS4 as if it was a G29?

If that's the case, what I want is the OPPOSITE. I want to USE a hardware G29 and make it EMULATE a Driving Force Pro so I can use it on my PS2. It's the entire reason I bought the parts and burned myself trying to solder them together.

Anytime I try to hit CHECK on the GimX launcher hardware with the thing plugged in, I get: Not found: Logitech Driving Force Pro USB (0) and Not found: PS4 Controller (0). I guess that means my assumptions in question 2 are correct, that I cannot just download the correct Config and that I may have to make my own. if that's the case, I have a lot of work ahead of me this weekend.

Note: I DO NOT HAVE A PS4, or any kind of PS4 controller.

Does anyone have any advice on where I should begin? I would be quite happy to get this interface working properly. My only other option would be to emulate GT3 and GT4. My PC is completely capable of doing so and I have in the past, but I have a lot of progress on my PS2 copy of GT3 and would like to get back to finishing that game 100%, especially on my new driving rig I built. (pics available upon request)

EDIT: Ok, wow. Just found a bunch of those walkthrough tutorials. Before anyone responds, let me run through that tomorrow to see what I can get working on my own. I just have to build my own config. That's probably what my whole problem is. I'll return and post the results of my work later.
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Re: Want to use Logi G29 as wheel on PS2 (Gran Turismo 3/4)

Post by ckaiycool »

This guide should give you all the info you need.
https://gimx.fr/wiki/index.php?title=Gu ... igurations
When downloading the configs exicisting in the repository just open them in Gimx Config after.
In gimx config make sure that you check TYPE and make sure it's on any of the ....PS2 options.
Also double check the buttons are correct or modify to your likings.

Goodluck :D
Last edited by ckaiycool on Sat Oct 29, 2022 4:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Want to use Logi G29 as wheel on PS2 (Gran Turismo 3/4)

Post by BeardedRetroGuy »

Ok, so I've re-programmed the GimX adapter to be a Driving Force Pro, since I'm definitely trying to work on the PS2.

I went into GimX Config and made a NEW one, set it to the DF Pro controller, then did auto-detect on every function I could possibly think of on a legit DF Pro, which should have matched every control on a regular DualShock 2 controller. I saved it as LogitechG29_DFPro.xml. I then plugged the GimX adapter into my PS2 and TURNED IT ON (with Gran Turismo 3 inside). I set GimX Launcher to that new profile and hit Check and got "This config seems OK!" So that's a good sign.

When I hit START, this is what I'm greeted with:

global option -c with value `LogitechG29_DFPro.xml'
controller #1: option -p with value `COM5'
now reading arguments for controller #2
grab flag is unset
subpos flag is set
force_updates flag is set
GIMX adapter detected, controller type is: DFP PS2.
Firmware version: 8.0
Reset sent to the GIMX adapter.
Current baudrate: 500000 bps.
Trying baudrate: 2000000 bps.
Trying baudrate: 1000000 bps.
Trying baudrate: 500000 bps.
Using baudrate: 500000 bps.
no pass-through device is needed
using default refresh period: 10.00ms
Haptic core has source haptic_source_lg for device 046d:c298
Haptic core has sink haptic_sink_os for joystick 0 (Logitech G HUB G29 Driving Force Racing Wheel USB)
src/windows/gprio.c:376 unsetprocessaffinities: SetProcessAffinityMask failed with error: Access is denied.

src/windows/gprio.c:376 unsetprocessaffinities: SetProcessAffinityMask failed with error: Access is denied.

src/windows/gprio.c:376 unsetprocessaffinities: SetProcessAffinityMask failed with error: Access is denied.

src/windows/gprio.c:376 unsetprocessaffinities: SetProcessAffinityMask failed with error: Access is denied.

src/windows/gprio.c:376 unsetprocessaffinities: SetProcessAffinityMask failed with error: Access is denied.

rounding timer period 10000us to 9918us


Currently still not getting any response from the PS2. It is possible that since GT3 came out BEFORE the Driving Force Pro, I'll have to use a GT Force firmware to get it to work on that game. I'll try that next.
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Re: Want to use Logi G29 as wheel on PS2 (Gran Turismo 3/4)

Post by BeardedRetroGuy »

Ok, reflashed as GT Force successfully. Plugged everything up. Made ANOTHER profile for it and saved it.


---START---global option -c with value `LogitechG29_DFPro.xml'
controller #1: option -p with value `COM5'
now reading arguments for controller #2
grab flag is unset
subpos flag is set
force_updates flag is set
GIMX adapter detected, controller type is: GTF PS2.
Firmware version: 8.0
Reset sent to the GIMX adapter.
Current baudrate: 500000 bps.
Trying baudrate: 2000000 bps.
Trying baudrate: 1000000 bps.
Trying baudrate: 500000 bps.
Using baudrate: 500000 bps.
no pass-through device is needed
using default refresh period: 10.00ms
Haptic core has source haptic_source_lg for device 046d:c293
Haptic core has sink haptic_sink_os for joystick 0 (Logitech G HUB G29 Driving Force Racing Wheel USB)
src/windows/gprio.c:376 unsetprocessaffinities: SetProcessAffinityMask failed with error: Access is denied.

src/windows/gprio.c:376 unsetprocessaffinities: SetProcessAffinityMask failed with error: Access is denied.

src/windows/gprio.c:376 unsetprocessaffinities: SetProcessAffinityMask failed with error: Access is denied.

src/windows/gprio.c:376 unsetprocessaffinities: SetProcessAffinityMask failed with error: Access is denied.

src/windows/gprio.c:376 unsetprocessaffinities: SetProcessAffinityMask failed with error: Access is denied.

rounding timer period 10000us to 9918us
adjust your wheel range to 200 degrees

And yes, I DID set it to 200 degrees in Logitech G Hub. In fact, I made a GT3 profile just to do that (and to set sensitivity of the Clutch pedal to 0).

GT3 is running through calibration RIGHT NOW! WOOT!!!!!
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Re: Want to use Logi G29 as wheel on PS2 (Gran Turismo 3/4)

Post by ckaiycool »

Well done.
If you get a good setting please share it in this community. Could save thousands of users from the hassle you go through :D
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Re: Want to use Logi G29 as wheel on PS2 (Gran Turismo 3/4)

Post by BeardedRetroGuy »

I will, but first I have to get this "profile" correct. I just had to debug which buttons to map where to make GT3 work PROPERLY by DEFAULT. Exhausting already.

But NOW I'm working on two more things: WHY am I getting NO Force Feedback at all when the game settings clearly say it supports it.... and WHY is the steering wheel so "loose"? I have to turn the wheel too far over to get the vehicle to start turning. And the lack of force feedback is unnerving after using this very wheel on my PS3 with F1 2010 and Gran Turismo 5.
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Re: Want to use Logi G29 as wheel on PS2 (Gran Turismo 3/4)

Post by ckaiycool »

I hope some of the wheel experienced people in here could help you out.
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Re: Want to use Logi G29 as wheel on PS2 (Gran Turismo 3/4)

Post by BeardedRetroGuy »

Yeah, I could use some help with getting the Force Feedback working, because I'm at a loss right now. The steering works, but I don't know if what I'm experiencing is the lack of FF, the wheel not turning ENOUGH with my steering inputs as fast as I would like, or a delay between my inputs and getting results in the game. Either way, steering feels extremely loose in Gran Turismo 3 native on the PS2.

Wheel works just fine in PCSX2 emulation, complete with FF. I'm using that as my baseline comparison. Hey, it's an accomplishment that I got the buttons mapped correctly, though. At least now I know how to shift in the game, where my E-brake is, how to look behind me, how to back up in Reverse, etc.
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Re: Want to use Logi G29 as wheel on PS2 (Gran Turismo 3/4)

Post by BeardedRetroGuy »

Ok, I'm at a loss here.

I found this guide page: https://gimx.fr/wiki/index.php?title=Force_Feedback
I've set the wheel under the Force Feedback tab, but with or without it there, I still get no FFB in Gran Turismo 3 native the way I get it in the PCSX2 emulator. Am I really going to have to install all these API monitoring apps to figure this out? Because I can't see anywhere in the GiMX-Config app to even begin tweaking anything other than what I already have - the Force Feedback tab. All values are already set to 100 and I can tell you that outside of the occasional "tweak" that happens during gameplay, there's otherwise ZERO FFB being applied to my wheel.

On the other hand, I used a Corvette vehicle in GT3 and was able to identify a SLIGHT delay in reaction to my inputs, but I don't actually have to mess with any input correction. The wheel inputs itself look correct, so all that's left really is getting FFB working properly and then I can publish this config for the public.

If I can learn how to get the FFB working properly with this profile (emulating a Logitech GT Force on PS2), then I should be able to create a profile to emulate the Driving Force Pro on PS2 as well. I'll even go out and buy a used copy of GT4 so I don't have to open my factory sealed one. In PCSX2, GT3 doesn't respond to the Driving Force Pro or Driving Force wheel types at all. I had to set the emulation to GT Force for GT3 to respond. So to be able to fully test out GimX Emulation for a Driving Force Pro, I will need a game that recognizes it natively. Besides, 900-degrees of freedom is nice to have.
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