GUI translation


Revision as of 16:09, 11 February 2018 by Matlo (talk | contribs) (Translation status)

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This page is only applicable for GIMX 0.50 or higher.

It's very easy to translate the GUI using poEdit.

Translation status

  • French: GIMX 7.1
  • Spanish: GIMX 7.1
  • Brazilian Portuguese: GIMX 6.11 - needs to be updated to GIMX 7.1

poEdit installation


In a terminal:

sudo apt-get install poedit


Download poEdit 1.5.2 and install it.

Creation of a translation file

Download gimx.pot.

Start poEdit, and click on "File > New Catalog from POT File...".

Select gimx.pot, fill the fields (Team, Team's email address, Language), validate, and save as <language_code>.po.

To see what your language code is, check this page.

Example for the French language: fr.po.

Translate the messages that are not translated, and save.

How to update a translation file

The gimx.pot file will be updated for each release in case new messages need to be translated.

It's possible to update .po files from the gimx.pot file using the "Catalog>Update from POT file" tool in poEdit.

This adds new messages to translate.

Test the translation


In a terminal:

mkdir -p /usr/share/locale/<language_code>/LC_MESSAGES
msgfmt -o /usr/share/locale/<language_code>/LC_MESSAGES/ <language_code>.po

Start gimx-serial, gimx-bluetooth, gimx-fpsconfig or gimx-config, the GUI should be translated according to your system language.


Generate with poEdit (check "File>Preferences>Editor>Automatically compile .mo on save", and save).

Copy-paste to:

  • Windows 32bits: C:\Program Files\GIMX\share\locale\<language_code>\LC_MESSAGES
  • Windows 64bits: C:\Program Files (x86)\GIMX\share\locale\<language_code>\LC_MESSAGES

Start gimx-serial, gimx-fpsconfig or gimx-config, the GUI should be translated according to your system language.

Share your translation

Make sure to share the .po file.
.po files contain the translated messages as plain text.
.mo files cannot be accepted as they are binary file that cannot be updated easily.

You can either post your translation on the forum, or send it to the GIMX creator directly (email address is in the .pot file).