Revision as of 07:06, 20 December 2016 by Cajuil (talk | contribs)

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Power Limitations

C.H.I.P. is limited to 900mA by default thus connecting an USB HUB or any other Periphal that requires more than that will make the device to abruptly turn off.

At the time of this writing, version 4.4 No-limit won't be enough. You'll have to make changes in the system to remove this limitation.

Please refer to: Abrupt Shutdowns for more information.

GIMX on CHIP (tags: Next Thing Co. C.H.I.P.)

This guide will assume you've already configured your CHIP's WiFi connection (by using the command: nmtui) and know it's IP address to be able to connect to it.

Step 1. Download and Istall GIMX

wget -O gimx.deb sudo dpkg -i gimx.deb sudo apt-get -f install

Step 2. Stop & Disable Console TTY (make sure u are connected through SSH) sudo systemctl mask serial-getty@ttyS0.service sudo systemctl stop serial-getty@ttyS0.service

Step 3. Create GIMX directories mkdir .gimx; mkdir .gimx/macros; mkdir .gimx/config

Step 4. Download and move the Configurations wget

unzip cd GIMX-configurations-master cd Linux mv * ~/.gimx/config cd ~

Step 5. Delete the file and the directory GIMX-configurations-master rm rm -rf GIMX-configurations-master