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Question: How are Mouse Movements Translated to the PS3

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:28 am
by sslcheun
Hi there,

This site is great. Thanks for sharing your hard work.

I'm trying to get a better understanding of how emulator works, and was hoping someone could explain how mouse movements are translated into SIXAXIS thumbstick movements. Much of the discussion on this site indicates that a high mouse DPI (>2000) is needed for smooth control. However, in my experience with FPS on PCs, mice with 1000 DPI were more than adequate.

Also, does enetering the mosue DPI value in Config do anything?



Re: Question: How are Mouse Movements Translated to the PS3

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:23 am
by Matlo

The formula is at the beginning of this blog post: link.

higher DPI => lower multiplier (sensitivity) => lower gap between two successive stick positions => smoother controls

To get a 1:1 translation an exponent (acceleration) lower than 1 is required (typically from 0.25 to 0.5).

lower exponent => higher multiplier => higher gap between two successive stick positions => jerkier controls

Since v0.24 it's possible to smooth mouse movements as explained there: link.
This should help with low DPI mice.