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WingmanFormulaForceGP pedal axes still combined after ubuntu kernel 4.10.12 update

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 4:57 pm
by ock10
My WingmanFormulaForceGP works fine on a PS4 with a DIY-usb adaptor plugged into a Windows 10 PC. On an ubuntu 16.04 PC, the brake and gas pedals would not appear on separate axes with the jstest-gtk tool or the Gimx-config axis auto-detect button until I updated the kernel from 4.4.0 to 4.10.12, which must have updated the logitech hid-lg4ff.c driver. So now jstest-gtk and the Gimx-config auto-detect button can see the WingmanFormulaForceGP steering on axis 0, gas on axis 1, and brake on axis 2, but the pedal axes look like they are still combined when running gimx-launcher. Is gimx-launcher not setting the WingmanFormulaForceGP into native mode? My config file definitely has brake axis id="2" and gas axis id="1"

Re: WingmanFormulaForceGP pedal axes still combined after ubuntu kernel 4.10.12 update

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:58 pm
by ock10
Ok I finally got it working, if I run jstest-gtk after gimx-launcher has already started, 5 axes (0-4) appear with gas on axes 2, brake on axes 3, and something on axis 1 that is also affected by axes 2, which is why I thought the pedals were still combined. So if I calibrate with jstest while gimx is already running and reorder axis 1 to after axis 3, it finally works. Modifying the config file for gas axes id="2" and brake axes id="3" before launching gimx-launcher didn't work, it was still reading axes 1 as gas and axes 2 as brake.

my WingmanFormulaForceGP also happens to be a red logitech momo force wheel with the controller chip replaced with one from a WingmanFormulaForceGP so that it would still work with gran turismo 4 on the PS2.