Logitech Wheels


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This page intends to give configuration hints to properly use a Logitech Wheel with GIMX.
Note that GIMX 5.2 will get improvements, and the following instructions won't be needed anymore.

All Logitech Wheels have 0x046d as USB vendor id.


This tool is required on the RPi to activate the native mode of the Driving Force Pro, Driving Force GT, G25 and G27 wheels (the Raspbian kernel config lacks the CONFIG_LOGITECH_FF option).

sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/TripleSpeeder/LTWheelConf.git
cd LTWheelConf
sudo cp ltwheelconf /usr/bin/

Momo Racing

Product id: 0xca03

Configuration file: LogitechMomoRacing_G29.xml

Calibration in GNU/Linux:

jscal -s 3,1,0,511,511,1050628,1050628,1,0,255,0,-2105312,0,1,0,255,0,-2105312,0 /dev/input/js0
sudo jscal-store /dev/input/js0

Driving Force GT

Product id: 0xc29a

Configuration file: LogitechDrivingForceGT_G29.xml

Activation of the native mode on the RPi:

sudo ltwheelconf --wheel DFGT --nativemode --autocenter 0

Calibration in GNU/Linux:

jscal -s 5,1,0,8191,8191,65544,65544,1,0,255,0,-2105312,0,1,0,255,0,-2105312,0,1,0,0,0,536870912,536870912,1,0,0,0,536870912,536870912 /dev/input/js0
sudo jscal-store /dev/input/js0


Product id: 0xc29b

Configuration file: LogitechG27_G29.xml

Activation of the native mode on the RPi;

sudo ltwheelconf --wheel G27 --nativemode --autocenter 0

Calibration in GNU/Linux:

jscal -s 6,1,0,8191,8191,65544,65544,1,0,255,0,-2105312,0,1,0,255,0,-2105312,0,1,0,255,0,-2105312,0,1,0,0,0,536870912,536870912,1,0,0,0,536870912,536870912 /dev/input/js0
sudo jscal-store /dev/input/js0